Installing CH340/ CH341 drivers for Arduino, ESP32 and ESP8266 boards

Installing CH340 / CH341 drivers for Arduino, ESP32 and ESP8266 boards.

ch340 logo


With the development of Arduino, ESP32 and ESP8266 boards there has been a requirement to communicate to these devices via USB.
There are several of these components or Integrated Circuits (IC) available that are installed on development boards.
In order to communicate to these boards with Arduino IDE or other IDEs there is a requirement to install specific drivers.


Close Arduino IDE


Download and install drivers from here

After installing the drivers the computer is required to be restarted for the drivers to function.

To confirm drivers are working correctly
connect device
goto terminal
type ls -l /dev/tty.*
the device will be displayed in the list as shown in the Figure 1
Figure 1 - list of devices


OSX Sierra (10.12) users

It has been reported the driver WILL crash on OSX Sierra.
Make sure to use this one instead: ch340 v1.3 driver
For further information go here.


Download the drivers from here
Unzip the file
run the installer


The drivers are most likely installed already but if not download the drivers from here


After installing the drivers the computer is required to be restarted for the drivers to function.



Setup for using ESP32 development boards